Thursday, April 3, 2008

my little apprentice ....

So today while I was trying to get some work done, my little man came in the office (as he does NUMEROUS times during the day) to join me. His favorite spot is directly behind my desk chair, squeezing up against the wall & slowly moving his way over to the very old, very wonderful dot-matrix order printer! He pushes the buttons b/c they all beep when they are pushed & loves to just 'mess' around with my 'mess' of an office space.

I could have died when I looked to my left to see him carefully placing note cards into the laser printer & much to my surprise, he was counting the pages :) I reached for my camera to take a quick video & DARN.. I missed it.... he was done! But I did manage to catch some cute footage (very little) later in the day.. had the camera staged & ready to go this time. sweet little man.. he just loves his ma-mam.... enjoy :)

first attempt:

second attempt:

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