Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Production begins again..

Just wanted to update the blog to let you all know that I am back to producing orders placed during the evacuation of Gustav.  I shipped everything that was behind from just before the evac yesterday.  Tracking numbers should be uploaded to your "Track Order" page.  I have a ton of orders to catch up on so please bear with me..

In the meantime, I wanted to share some "show goodies" that were delivered to local customers yesterday :)  This is the resident "Show Special"  Plate, Bowl & Sippy set... too cute :)  Too much purple & gold for me though... I'd rather them be blue & red... Go Rebs!!





oh & this is what Ev has to say about my decision to send him to 2 year old's for 3 days a week :)  This is at the END of the day when he sees me... :(  poor baby boy ... :*(





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